ANGIE WONG – The BIZARRE handling of Legacy PAC

June 28th , 2023 Initially Legacy PAC was formed with Patrick Collis (this investigator) expecting to be President, Angie Wong Vice President, and Stan Fitzgerald another board member. Although this PAC was the conception of Fitzgerald, he wanted to maintain a wall between fundraising and banking so he could not be the victim of false […]

The Debunking of ANGIE WONG’s cease and desist letter Line by Line

6-27-23 No political persecution just facts exposed damming to Angie Wong’s cover stories: Angie Wong was voted off the board of Legacy PAC and L-Strategies consulting firm on May 30th  2023, she was also removed from Veterans for Trump and Veterans for America First on same date.  Wong has a history of not willingly leaving […]

Angie Wong “THE BOOKER TAPES” Criminal scheme explained with audio proof download.

6-26-23 *DISCLAIMER : All accusations are “alleged” at this point Angie Wong was caught by her L-Strategies consulting firm business partners, Jared Craig and Stan Fitzgerald, illegally diverting funds from their consulting firm account to be used towards her personal business interests.  The numbers did not add up and partners pulled the contract Wong submitted. […]

THE MEDIA VS ANGIE WONG, plus who is writing these reports.

The Media is lining up with questions or accusations against Ms. Wong which I will outline but let us first get something clear, Angie Wong is now accusing this investigator of not writing these investigative reports. That is false as no third party has access to our security firm report forms. ; please see the […]

Angie Wong accused 96 year old Gloria Starr Kins, United Nations Journalist, of defamation requesting a cease-and-desist order to use in an alleged litigation scheme.

Angie Wong accused Gloria Starr Kins, who is a 96-year-old United Nations Journalist of defamation requesting a cease-and-desist order to use in an alleged litigation scheme.   Gloria Starr Kins is Journalist and Editor in chief of the Society and Diplomatic Review, Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations · Dean of the UN Correspondents Association […]

ANGIE WONG – Investigative Summary.

DISCLAIMER : All criminal accusations are ALLEGED at this point. The complete investigative results on hard copies, numerous witness interviews, document review results, etc. will be available as an attached exhibit with Attorney Jared Craig’s complaint being drawn now. When filed that will be public record with the proper redactions and the complaint will answer […]

Angie Wong Public Court Documents

6-17-23 Angie Wong has sued a media company for terminating her employment after two weeks, sued her family as well as having sued lawyers. Angie Wong’s own sister has given a sworn statement accusing Angie of theft, misappropriation of funds and duplicity. Esther Mak Wong Angie Wong’s own mother states she committed bank fraud by using her […]

Virginia Veterans for America First