Angie Wong Legacy PAC alleged misappropriation of funds new evidence


When our initial investigation began into Angie Wong the legacy PAC accountant, Troy Brewer, informed us that the 5-15-23 transfer of 3300.00 went to the Lee County FL GOP as payment for an April 2023 Trump event. Based on the notes that is what the FEC certified accountant believed, it’s also what Angie Wong told us in writing. That was documented on this website as part of the prior page titled the bizarre handling of Legacy Pac.

Our initial response, which remains the same, is that Angie Wong told Legacy PAC the event was comp because the PAC helped Michael Thompson sell it out. Wong also attempted to collect payment from Jared Craig in the form of cancelling a debt she owed him in exchange for the Lee County GOP event ticket which she said was comp.

Recently Michael Thompson has come under scrutiny for various public reasons in Florida and we reached out to the Lee County GOP Tara Jenner for clarification on this financial transaction which she was unwilling to provide other than to say the books were in order. We then went to a third party who was able to communicate with the Lee County GOP accountant who could not find any Angie Wong / Legacy PAC transfers to their GOP. This prompted us to contact the bank for the actual transfer documents.

What we found was that Angie Wong wired HERSELF 3300 dollars stating it was for donor tickets and advertising. Proof Below.

Wong, nor Legacy PAC, spent funds advertising someone else’s event and we have no record of giving donors tickets to this event that the board was told were complimentary. This now appears to be, yet another alleged federal crime committed by Wong.


Virginia Veterans for America First