Cease and Desist Order delivered to ANGIE WONG on June 8th 2023
Jared Craig and Stan Fitzgerald have a duty to cure their public images after Angie Wong was put on notice and refused to act or give assurances. Note the date of this letter is June 8th PREDATING The Wong cease and desist letter which Wong posted publicly on a blog site known as Medium. Attorney […]
Angie Wong accused 96 year old Gloria Starr Kins, United Nations Journalist, of defamation requesting a cease-and-desist order to use in an alleged litigation scheme.
Angie Wong accused Gloria Starr Kins, who is a 96-year-old United Nations Journalist of defamation requesting a cease-and-desist order to use in an alleged litigation scheme. Gloria Starr Kins is Journalist and Editor in chief of the Society and Diplomatic Review, Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations · Dean of the UN Correspondents Association […]